Of everything we have, nothing gets me more excited than the Meyer lemons. I'm like a giddy school girl when I pick the first one of the season and the last one makes me want to cry as if I'm saying goodbye to a good friend. This year the last one made an individual sized lemon icebox pie for National Pi Day on 3.14. This recipe is perfect for anyone who loooovvvvess lemon. It has a bamn! in your face lemony tartness that I loved. If by chance you are looking for a more subtle lemon pie check out Emeril Lagasse's recipe. I made it a while back and really liked it, but since he incorporates cream cheese it has a more mellow lemon flavor that I liked but wasn't exactly what I was looking for.
Zesty Lemon Pie from Southern Living
6 egg yolks, lightly beaten
3 (14-ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice
2 (9-inch) ready-made graham cracker crusts
2 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
- Whisk together first 3 ingredients. Pour evenly into crusts.
- Bake at 350° for 15 minutes. Remove to a wire rack to cool. Cover and chill 4 hours.
- Beat whipping cream at high speed with an electric mixer until foamy; gradually add sugar, beating until soft peaks form. Spread evenly over chilled pies. Top with fresh lemon slices and a mint sprig before serving, if desired.
Crumby Notes:
- The original recipe makes two 9-inch pies. I really didn't want that much pie just for the husband and I on National Pi Day, so I cut it down to 1/3 of the recipe (2 yolks, 1 can condensed milk, 1/2 cup lemon juice) and it made two mini 4-inch pies. I used mini spring form pans and just kinda eyeballed the graham cracker crust with a bit of butter and baked it for 10 minutes instead of 15. It was delish and I can't wait to make it again!
- Since the crumby husband is not a lemon fan, I made him an individual sized chocolate pudding pie. Hopefully I'll get that recipe your way soon, because that pudding puts Jell-O to shame!!
- I can't say enough about how awesome Meyer lemons truly are. They are a cross between a lemon and a sweet orange, with a sweeter grocery, less acidic flavor than the common lemon. They have a deep yellow-orange colored skin that is very thin, but they are oh so juicy. I love using them in a simple salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice salad dressing. Mid-winter is the perfect time to pick them, so if you have a tree, check out this Los Angeles Times article on 100 things to do with Meyer lemons. If you don't have a tree, ask around your local farmer's markets when they are in season to see if you can track some down. If you have a green thumb, the dwarf varieties can actually be grown in pots so check out more information at meyerlemontree.com. I've also found them at Whole Foods when they are in season and of course, you can find anything on Amazon: Sweet Meyer Lemon Mini Pack by Limonera Ranches.

~Happy Baking!~